Our Foundation Educational Principles
‘Education gives young people their best chance to prosper’
Yea High School bases all the work we do on four important foundation principles:
• Relationships: we seek to develop significant relationships with families and the broader community.
• Relevant and Personalised Curriculum: We offer a relevant and engaging curriculum, where learning is personalised and students have access to learning in the real world.
• Rigour: We hold high expectations of all students.
• Refining Professional Practice: Our teaching staff strive to be excellent educators.
A key to establishing these foundations is the building of partnerships with students and their families. We seek to develop relationships with these important people through ongoing conversations which are based on the twin concepts of respect and trust.
‘The quality of the relationships in a school has a tremendous effect on the quality of the learning that happens there’
Yea High School sees to develop significant relationships with others. We believe that families, the community and the school working as partners will increase student achievement and help students develop positive attitudes. Further Yea High School looks to build and sustain effective partnerships with employers, community agencies and post secondary institutions that will provide opportunities for our students.
Families participate in Individual Learning Plan meetings and help assess student exhibitions. Students get involved in the community not only as users of resources, but also as contributors.
Relevant and Personalised Curriculum
‘Create settings where teachers and students can get to know each other well’
Our school observes this principle so that student will see themselves as important members of a learning community in which they are well known by a number of adults. They are encouraged to explore their passions and interests and to connect these with their emerging identities as learners, workers and citizens.
In the Yea High School personalised school environment, teachers assume new roles that go beyond subject matter instruction to include activities such as advising students and working with families.
‘When you see our students prepare for their student lead conference or exhibition – rehearsing and organising their portfolios to present their best evidence of their learning – you are seeing rigour’
Yea High School holds high expectations for all students this is characterised by high quality learning challenges which promote deep understanding of concepts.
Students articulate their learning in a variety of ways, including written reflections, oral presentations and project exhibitions. Teachers meet regularly to review student work together.
Refining Professional Practice
‘We have plenty of people who can teach what they know, but very few who can teach their own capacity to learn’
Yea High School staff work in an environment where there are constant conversations on professional practice. Yea High School has embraced the Education State Framework for improved Student Outcomes (FISO) initiatives and, in particular, ‘Building Practice Excellence’.
Teaching and learning are about problem solving. Education is the process by which teachers and learners are put in the best possible environment for them to do this together. The best possible environment is one where people feel safe and supported and respected and where students and adults are excited and passionate about learning.
Our school’s staff are striving to provide the practices, structures and processes that best and most completely support our learning community.